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Relief Carving in Hardwood with Alister Neville

Relief Carving in Hardwood with Alister Neville

Join Alister Neville and learn to carve a design for a decorative plaque, board, bowl, house sign - or another project perhaps!

Arriving in a large van weighed down with 3 workbenches Alister brings a full set of wood carving tools for each student, plenty of resources and pieces of hardwood to choose from including sycamore, ash, oak, birch. Many people opt for house name boards but other items are carved as well; animals, numbers and sayings. Anything is possible - time allowing - in the day.  The workbenches are  placed under canopies if it looks like rain. Four people to each bench, plenty of space still and very solid.

9.45 -  4.45pm
£88 Lunch included
Material Charges up to approx. £15 depending on choice of wood





Dates for this course - see the table below to book:

 Sunday 7th July   or   Wed 10th July  2024   **   DATE CONFIRMED

Typically this course runs with around 8 students. Kindly note that there is charge of up to £15 for the piece of hardwood you choose to work on, payable to Alister on the day.

Please bring:  All materials are provided by the tutor, please bring any references for your design if you have a particular idea. By all means print if off to the size you would like to carve to fill an A4 size page is ideal.  Working too small is much harder.

Health and safety.  There will be a safety briefing at the start of the class.  If you are allergic to plasters please bring your own in the event you have a small injury. 

About the Artist  Alister Neville has been carving exciting designs and sculpting in Hardwoods for many years, he has supplied numerous Cumbrian schools with unique tree stump carvings of Owls,Bears, Pandas and much more, along with  his wide range of complementary rustic seating in schools and villages throughout Cumbria.  Some year ago he carved a 3D wooden cyclists for the Cycle Cafe entrance.

Workshop Details

Workshop Date Wed 10th July 2024 9:45 am
Available places 0
Individual Price £88.00
We are no longer accepting registration for this workshop